We would love to have you join our school community. Secure your child’s spot at DHCA today! If you are ready to enter into the application process, the steps are listed below.
Complete the application online (click here to apply) and be prepared to submit a copy of the student’s most recent report card, and the non-refundable $100 Application Fee. Please note that prospective students must go through the entire enrollment procedure before being accepted; space availability in a classroom does not guarantee admission.
Once the above mentioned items have been received and reviewed, the school will continue the enrollment process which includes a family interview with a school administrator and any necessary testing assessments. A decision regarding acceptance will be communicated to families after the full enrollment process has been completed. A $150 Enrollment Fee is to be paid within 30 days of a family’s notice of acceptance to secure enrollment.
Acceptance will be based upon the spiritual background of the family, the academic, social, and emotional suitability of the student, and space availability. Decatur Heritage Christian Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or national or ethnic origin in the administration of its admission policies or financial aid process.
After securing the student’s acceptance at DHCA with the paid Enrollment Fee, several additional DHCA forms will be required along with copies of the student’s birth certificate, social security card, and up-to-date blue immunization record. A payment plan must be selected through the finance office. The annual tuition rates for the 2022-2023 school year are: K5-6th – $8,448, 7th-8th - $9,199, and 9th-12th - 9,309. You can find the full tuition information, including available tuition assistance and discounts, by clicking here. Semi-annual and monthly payment options are also available.
DHCA uses FACTS Grant and Aid Assessment Services as our platform for tuition assistance assessment. The application is completed by the family online at https://online.factsmgt.com/signin/3VC4L